What are your hours of operation?

I am available 7 days a week between 9 am to 5 pm.  All sessions are by appointment only.  If you need to set an appointment at a time other than what is listed, give me a call and we can work something out.

What kind of payment do you accept?

I accept cash, check, Venmo or credit card with a small processing fee.

Is FST painful?

In FST the motto is "NO PAIN, NO STRAIN".  We believe in not putting the body in pain because pain causes the nervous system to be in defense mode.  When the body is in this state it can not heal.  I always have to clarify my definition of pain though.  Pain is a sensation accompanied by the motor intention to withdraw.  In other words, if your body is not quickly pulling away from the stimulus, then it is not pain it is just sensation.  It is important to understand this key concept because, there will be times where the movements will be uncomfortable, but we will never pass the threshold of "pain".  Although, we will get close to that threshold because that is where you will get the most change.  

How often do I return for more treatment?

Depending on whether an injury is an acute injury or a chronic one determines the number of treatments.  Generally a mild sprain or strain might only require one or two treatments, while chronic injuries will take more time.  If an individual is generally more active, they may also require more treatments or regular maintenance.  I remind  my athletes all the time about the importance of rest and recovery, and regular FST treatments can be extremely effective for maintaining peak performance.

Do you do any other type of work besides stretching?

Yes.  I do Visceral Manipulation, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation (IASTM), Microcurrent Point Stimulation Therapy which involves scar release techniques and vagal stimulation, Cupping, Flossing, and Red Light Therapy.  A lot of the classes that I have taken all revolve around the understanding of the Fascia.  Research is now showing that this fibrous connective tissue network plays a much more active role than previously thought.  This includes the ability of fascia to change its stiffness independently of neuromuscular control, its role as a potential pain generator, and its function as our richest sensory organ for body perception.